While genetics do play a role, you can address dark under eyes with some of our tips!

Written by: 100% PURE ®

One of the most prevalent beauty issues that many people go through is the dark circles under their eyes. Dark circles are when the area right beneath the eyes loses its color and becomes darker than your original complexion. Dark circles are most persistent in those who don't sleep at night whether it’s due to habit or extreme stress.

One thing that is often neglected while talking about dark circles is that they can be inherited. For the longest time, the thinner area under the eyes was not given much attention in the skincare community. It was only when people's screen time and nocturnal habits increased that they demanded creams that would erase their dark circles.

What should be my skin routine to remove dark circles?

To have no dark circles, one has to keep a good skincare routine. The best way to do that is by following these four basic steps:

  1. Clean your skin thoroughly with a cleanser
  2. After that put the serum on your palm and lightly tap that on your skin
  3. Thirdly hydrate your skin with a moisturizer
  4. Then apply an eye cream separately under your eyes

What causes dark circles under the eyes?

There are multiple causes behind dark circles. It could be due to insomnia, stress, hyperpigmentation, aging, or anemia. In some cases, there is a possibility that you have inherited dark circles from your parents.

What is the best eye cream to get rid of dark circles?

100% Pure is dedicated to making the best clean products for you. The ingredients in our eye creams are vegan and clean which means they are safe to use even on the most delicate skin area. Below listed are our 4 award-winning eye creams. You can pick the one which suits you the best:

1. Coffee Bean Caffeine Eye Cream
Caffeine is known to energize a tired person, this eye cream does the same for the eyes. The dark circle which dulls your face can be erased completely by using Coffee Bean Caffeine Eye Cream.

2. Retinol PM Eye Cream
Dehydration is the reason behind many skin issues like dark circles, wrinkles, and acne. Using Retinol PM Eye Cream will help with collagen production and then you will have bright beautiful eyes.

3. Super Fruit Oil Nourishing Eye Cream
If lack of nutrition is the reason for your dark circles then Super Fruit Oil Nourishing Eye Cream is the best for you. It is filled with potent vitamins and essential antioxidants that will give your face a youthful healthy glow.

4. Multi-Vitamin + Antioxidants PM Eye Treatment
After a certain age, the skin around the eyes starts losing its firmness and the tissues around it start thinning. Applying Multi-Vitamin + Antioxidants PM Eye Treatment every night will help with the skin’s elasticity and keep the skin nourished.

Does Vitamin C lighten dark circles?

If the cause of your dark circles is hyperpigmentation then you can try products which contain Vitamin C. However, apply very carefully and make sure you don’t accidentally put any product in your eyes.

What are some dark circle tips that actually work?

If you are one of these nocturnal people who can’t sleep well at night, then you must have googled "effective dark circles under eyes treatment" at least once in your life. After this, you might have tried the same old tips like putting cucumber slices that didn't work. The "DIY" remedies may have disheartened you and now you must be worried about the expensive treatments. Well lucky for you we will not waste your time and will only provide cost-effective solutions that have been proven successful.

  • Use Bakuchiol for Dark Circles
    For clean beauty fans who might be hesitant to use retinol, the good thing is there’s a clean alternative available in the market called Bakuchiol. You can use it daily so it can fasten the process of collagen production which will solve the problem of thin skin. The skin in the under-eye region is sensitive which means it’s best to use products that are naturally sourced like Bakuchiol which is derived from the plant. Try our Bakuchiol Cleanser and Moisturizer to achieve results!

  • Sleep With An Extra Pillow
    If your problem is more puffy eyes and dark circles within the first two hours after you wake up then try sleeping with two pillows. This will help with blood circulation and won't let the fluids clamp together in one place. Also, try to use silk pillows while sleeping as they are really gentle on your hair and skin

  • Use Brightening Products
    Sometimes the cause behind dark circles is increased pigmentation in the skin. In this case, it's best to use brightening products. If your skin is dull due to cold weather or over-exposure to the sun then it would be a good idea to apply a brightening serum. Also, another thing you’d have to do is never step out without applying sunscreen. With the combination of both of these things, eventually, the pigmentation will decrease and you'd have glowing skin.

  • Check for Any Allergies
    Most people don't realize that their dark circles could be a reaction to an allergy. If you find out that an allergy makes dark circles appear under your eyes then consult with the doctor immediately. By eating the doctor-recommended medicine you'll be able to get rid of the stubborn dark circles.

  • Remove Your Makeup Gently
    The skin of the face is already sensitive and should be dealt with softly. The skin around the eyes is even more sensitive so one should be careful while applying or removing anything. If you tug the skin too much or apply something harshly that would result in inflammation. Remove the makeup from your eyes with light hands. Also while applying any serum or moisturizer try to tap lightly instead of pushing too much.

  • Sleep for 8 Hours
    Well, this one's a no-brainer. No DIY remedy or expensive eye cream can help if you are not sleeping at least 6 to 8 hours. In this scenario, the dark circles are caused because of fatigue. Your tired eyes won't be helped by anything unless you correct your sleeping routine. One way to do that is to lessen your screen time in bed. Try to read a book and slowly you will feel your eyelids getting heavy.

  • Give Tea Bags A Try
    Out of many home remedies, the one that actually works is keeping cold tea bags on the eyes. It will wear off the tiredness and puffiness temporarily. The best method to use this is by soaking the two tea bags in water. Then take those tea bags out and put them in the cold refrigerator for a few hours. Keep those chilled tea bags on your eyes for a minimum of 7 to 8 minutes. After that, your eyes will feel relaxed and they won't look strained anymore.

  • Concealer is Your Best Friend
    The best way to hide stubborn dark circles is by taking the help of a concealer. To do a more fine job, you can even use a color corrector. A natural makeup look is a trend nowadays. This look is only meant to accentuate your features and would look great on anyone.

We carefully hand-select products based on strict purity standards, and only recommend products we feel meet this criteria. 100% PURE™ may earn a small commission for products purchased through affiliate links.

The information in this article is for educational use, and not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should not be used as such.

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