Bethany Hamilton & Tyler Wright wearing 100% Pure at #CosmoWOTY2016

Posted on January 9, 2017
Written by: 100% PURE®

Looking back at 2016 and reflecting, we can’t help but remember an amazing event, Cosmo’s Women Of The Year Awards, that was held this past November in Australia. 100% Pure was lucky to be tagging along behind-the-scenes along via Bethany Hamilton and Tyler Wright. Our 100% Pure makeup artist, based in Australia, met up with the two top shredders to give them their green beauty look for the 10th annual event. All the women attending, presenting, and receiving awards were truly inspirational women, each with an extraordinary and motivating story. In case you missed it, the awards recognise outstanding achievements of nominees across ten diverse categories including sport, fashion design, humanitarianism and social media.