10 Hair Do’s and Hair Don’ts

Applying these rules to your natural hair care routine will bring bounce and shine back to hair

Written by: 100% Pure®

If you’re hoping to wake up to naturally perfect hair every day, time to bring your expectations back down to earth. Can you increase your odds of having a good hair day, every day? Yes! Start by tossing your chemical-filled hair products out the window. Now, replace them with nourishing, natural hair care. Now you’re ready to live by these 10 hair do’s and don’ts for healthier hair. Following these tips will help you level-up your hair game for good!

5 Hair Do’s

Get Steamy

Every achy body loves a steamy sauna, but did you know that hair benefits from steam, too? If you feel like your hair mask and conditioner don’t work as well as they should, try adding steam to your natural hair care routine.

Warm steam circulates blood flow deep down in your scalp, but won’t cause damage like hot hair tools would (more on that later). Steaming also allows every inch of your hair shaft to absorb maximum moisture and nutrition, from roots to ends. There’s no need to pay for a high-priced salon treatment -- use your favorite natural hair conditioner or mask while sitting in a sauna, or even your steamy shower. Let the steam penetrate your strands while you enjoy some much deserved R&R.

Use an Oil

We recommend using pure Argan Oil after cleansing and before conditioning, to amp up moisture in your strands. Dirt and product residues adhere to your hair on a daily basis, so you should always use your oil on freshly-washed hair. This way, your hair can grab as much nutrition from the oil as possible. Finish off with your favorite natural hair care (conditioner or mask) and rinse. Argan oil is a fairly thin, light oil, so any excess will be rinsed away -- so you don’t have to worry about any greasiness.

Use Hair Serum Before Styling

To protect hair from heat damage, use a strengthening hair serum every time you’re about to use hot tools to style your hair. From blowing drying to curling, we can’t seem to get our strands off these heaven-sent hair tools! When you’re using a hair serum pre-heat styling, start from your hair ends and work the serum up towards the roots. Vitamins B5 and E in our Pro-Vitamin B5 Smoothing Hair Serum prep hair for easy styling, and create a barrier that protects your hair from direct heat.

Make a DIY Hair Mask

If you’re obsessed with natural hair care products, whip up this easy DIY hair mask at home! Simply mix up 2 tablespoons yogurt, 1 tablespoon honey, and a teaspoon of coconut oil. Yogurt is packed with protein and natural fat, making it a rich and nutritious conditioner for hair. Yogurt (and honey) can also offer antibacterial properties that kill dandruff-causing fungus.

Be sure to use raw honey for your mask, since it contains more active antioxidants and enzymes than processed honey. Honey helps your hair retain moisture, leaving your locks lustrous and shiny. And need we say more about coconut oil? When used on hair, it prevents shedding and splitting, giving you hair that grows longer and stronger.

Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes, and feel free to rub into roots for a clean and healthy scalp. Make sure to rinse thoroughly, especially if you have fine or thinning hair.

Exfoliate Your Scalp

Using a scalp exfoliating mask 1-2 times a month (depending on your hair type) will keep your scalp healthy, clean, and vibrant. We know that regular exfoliation is crucial for face and body, and your scalp deserves the same love! Just like skin, our scalp produces oil and sebum. Over time, a buildup of oil, pollutants, and residue will lead to itchiness, dandruff, irritation, and lackluster hair. If you have pre-existing scalp conditions like psoriasis or eczema, ask your hairstylist for tips on how to exfoliate for your scalp and hair.

5 Hair Don’ts

Don’t Scorch Your Hair

Exposure to high heat will extract moisture and leave strands dry and frizzy. Without enough moisture hair shafts become brittle, leading to excessive breakage and split-ends. We’re not telling you to throw your pricey styling tools in the trash, but just do some damage control. If you have fine or thin hair, NEVER use the high heat setting. It’s ok to use high heat to remove initial moisture if you have very thick, coarse hair. If you’re using styling irons, follow the hair serum hair ‘do’ to protect hair from heat damage. More on protecting hair from heat in the next step.

Use an SPF on Your Hair

No, we don’t mean slathering sunscreen all over your hair. If you’re planning on spending your day outdoors, bring a hat with you! Weather is responsible for many instances of hair damage, which can be easily avoided. UV rays damage hair by zapping moisture from your mane, leaving it dehydrated. Hair looking dull, or color treatment fading fast? You might need to amp up the sun-protection for your hair.

Watch out for cold and windy days, too. Strong winds cause excessive tangling, while cold air draws moisture from your strands. Both create tangles, frizz, and breakage in your hair. Never underestimate the damage weather can do to your hair -- it might be a major cause of your hair disasters.

Don’t Skip Cleansing

You’re not the only one who’s Googled ‘how to make dirty hair look clean’. When you choose the ‘snooze’ button over a shower, a good dry shampoo can save the day. But don’t rely on them full time. Denying the importance of regular cleansing could lead to bigger hair blunders down the road.

Every day our scalp is exposed to pollution, sweat, and other environmental debris, all while producing its own natural oil. If you skip cleansing, this oil continues to build up, grabbing onto the dirt and pollutants that have clung to your scalp and hair. A quick application of dry shampoo might spray away the look of greasiness, but that’s just adding one more product to the pile-up. Residue and dirt buildup lead to unhealthy scalp, because they clog the follicle. A clogged follicle can cause stunted hair growth, and even hair loss. Cleanse your hair regularly with natural hair care products made for your hair type, so that you don’t have to worry about damage caused by synthetic chemicals.

Don’t Brush Too Hard

Brushing too hard is the fastest route to hair breakage. Do you brush faster when you’re in a hurry? Tried to remove a knot or tangle by forcing the brush through your hair? Both are major no-no’s when it comes to brushing hair. By brushing too hard, you yank your hair straight from the root while causing excessive breakage. The result is messy, uneven, and simply sad strands. Another way to reduce breakage while brushing? Regularly remove loose hairs from your brush bristles, as they can catch and tangle on hair while you brush.

Don’t Forget to Brush

So you shouldn’t brush your hair too hard, but that doesn't mean you should quit brushing altogether. In fact, regular brushing can be a simple fix for shiny, smooth looking hair. Hair that is not being brushed regularly is often tangled and messy. When you don’t brush multiple times a day, dead hairs and debris are left in hair, creating knots and -- you guessed it -- more tangles. This will lead back to the temptation to aggressively tug at tangles when you do finally brush (see above). Brushing your hair before using your favorite natural hair care products is also extremely helpful, so that the products can coat every hair strand evenly to cleanse and nourish.

Congratulations, you’ve made it to the promised land of healthier hair! If you continue to use these helpful hair commandments in your natural hair care routine, your locks will be shining at their truest potential in no time.